Tag: AFI

Dr Lars Pelke presented the Academic Freedom Index on Thursday (May, 4, 2023) in a scientific talk at the European National Young Academies (ENYA) meeting 2023 in Stockholm. At the ENYA meeting, members of the National Young Academies discussed issues around academic freedom.

Today, the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) project presents its Update 2023, providing an overview of the state of academic freedom in 179 countries. The AFI is coordinated by researchers at the University of Gothenburg’s V-Dem Institute and the Institute of Political Science at Friedrich-Alexander-Uni...

Academic freedom is a universal human right. Yet, the 2022-release of the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) reveals that almost two out of five people worldwide live in countries where academic freedom has declined substantially over the past ten years. Countries with such declines in academic freedom in...