„Not everything is bad“ – Issue takes stock of thirty years of German unity with contribution from Erlangen

Symbolic picture for the article. The link opens the image in a large view.
Urheber: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-1990-1003-400 / Grimm, Peer / CC-BY-SA 3.0

The Regional Agency for Civic Education Baden-Württemberg (lpb bw) releases a double issue of its journal Bürger & Staat celebrating the German unity in 2020. Erlangen’s Erik Vollmann contributes an analysis of the support for democracy in Eastern and Western Germany.

Not unifying or unified but disruptive news dominate the public picture of the German republic thirty years after its reunification. But how deep is the societal division? Erik Vollmann discusses central elements of support for democracy in Germany. His contribution does not treat „East“ and „West” as monolithic blocs but focuses on differences on the German Länder level.

The issue (in German language) can be accessed for here